dial a doula


‘Sunderai brings her calm, loving presence, her skilled and warm hearted teaching and her deep feminine knowing to her roles as doula and trainer. Mothers, babies, fathers, families and those who care for them are fortunate to work with her’

- Dr Sarah Buckley

'Thank you so much, my time spent in Circle with you during Doula training all those years ago had a profound impact on me’

- Brooke Frances

'I love that I have my Doula circle. A place where I am not judged but supported, where I can be my authentic self, where I can learn and embrace the parts of me that I hide from the world because,  I either don’t want to burden or be judged. I want to know that my voice is heard and is not diminished’

- Rachael Elswyk

'From completing the doula training with Dial a Doula I have experienced profound healing around my own birth, and have been able to identify lifelong behaviour/belief patterns which were imprinted in me during birth. Gaining this awareness has been a big step in opening to receive more love in my life. The birth of my son several years ago was very traumatic, I have been able to heal a HUGE amount of that trauma through the doula training, which in turn allowed me to be fully open and trusting of the birth process during the first birth I attended as a doula, the birth was completely natural and absolutely blissful! I believe this type of training is essential for all women (and men).'

- Jane Simson.

'This course teaches to care, listen, nurture, to feel strong and empowered in oneself as a women,  and to empower other women in the most significant moment of transformation for mother and child. Every women can benefit from this course, whether they end up working with birthing women or not!'

- Nashira Car. 

'What I love about the course is how much I have learnt for day to day life. Being a Doula isn't just about the Rebozo or the oils, it's about listening and giving clear and fair feedback based on a person's individual needs. I use that skill in my everyday life now. the training I received with dial a doula gave me the springboard to launch my own business as a professional doula.' 

 Emily Roffe-Silvester